Dreaming in California

Dreaming in California

Eight years of memories and experiences - like looking though a kaleidoscope. The family who moved from London to Manhattan is a far away remembrance and yet it feels like only yesterday that we arrived in the searing heat of a New York summer. The elusive ghost of time past that slips away whenever one tries to fix upon it. 

Now living in the vast landscape that is Southern California the idea to begin a blog with which I can share my experiences and explore new ideas has haunted my thoughts for a number of years. I’ve procrastinated and prevaricated, fearful that I can’t do justice to my vision. Sometimes we will do almost anything to avoid attempting that of which we dream. The start of such a journey is uncomfortable when fixated on the destination- but as the beginning just has to be begun, here I am!.

I’ve been staying at the Pine Mountain Club on the edge of Los Padres Forest, CA for the weekend with my husband while the kids are at home with the grandparents visiting from the UK. We’ve had a lovely couple of days; the combination of the dense pine and the soaring silent hills encourages you to inhabit a spacious internal terrain. 

We explored a little around; I always like to try to find out about the heart of a place and California is endlessly surprising. In a search for mid afternoon coffee we happened upon a lovely organic store @Nature’s Home.  Beautifully painted murals, wonderful smoothies and coffees and a triad of ladies outside selling delicate embroidery and tie died t-shirts. We lingered in the garden for far longer than we had planned, California dreamin’.

